Our goal is to improve your company’s exposure, bringing visitors to your website and boosting your revenue. We’re good at it. We’re really good. We’re so good they have shrines to us in the heart of SEOCopywritopia. It’s a neat little country just south of France. Everyone is an expert at things they’ve never read about before. People stealing your ideas left and right…
But I digress.
When it comes to SEO, the expectation is that our work will help you reach your financial goals. Yet it’s important to remember that there are free and easy ways to increase your exposure. One example is logging your business in Yelp.com.
What’s a Yelp?
Yelp isn’t just the sound a dog makes when you step on its tail. Yelp.com is a resource that tens of thousands of presumably human people use to find nearby businesses. It is a local search dream, providing information about local businesses within roughly ten miles of the searcher’s city.
It’s not just online either – Yelp created one of the most popular iPhone apps in the App Store, allowing people to search for nearby businesses based on their current location.
Get Yourself on Yelp
After developing a strong SEO strategy, you should get yourself on Yelp (or ask us to do it for you). Yelp will immediately put your business in a position to get more local searches – a great way to start building your brand.
It’s important to note that Yelp’s star rating system is now integrated into Google’s search algorithm. So if someone searches for your company in Google, and your Yelp page shows up below your company website, potential customers will see your rating on Yelp and may judge you accordingly. So while Yelp is a great way to improve your local search visibility, you need to make sure you provide outstanding customer service and great products. You need to maintain as high a star rating as possible.
Yelp and Beyond
While SEO is an outstanding investment, you should still take advantage of free marketing services. Yelp.com is just one of many super cool websites that can improve your local search visibility and help you generate more business.