You probably already know how important having a website is to building your daycare business. Most parents do lots of research before they contact you about helping care for their child, and it’s much easier and faster to do that research online.
But it’s not enough anymore to just have bare bones information about your company on your website. Parents need to know more than just your name, location, and contact information. They need to know that you’re an expert. The best way of both showing that you know your stuff and making sure your website is highly ranked in search engine results is by investing in content marketing.
Blogs are a particularly appropriate form of content marketing for the child care industry. It’s an area of your website where you’re able to be particularly friendly and informal in tone, to illustrate the character of your company. A blog can, all at the same time, be a place that gives news about:
- What has happened
- What will happen
- General childcare and parenting information
There are almost no rules about what you can do with your blog, but the right posts can be a great way to stay in touch with parents and build your search engine presence.
Blogging for Daycare News
If you only read the main page it can be unclear just what every day experiences at your daycare are like. But with a blog, you can show exactly what you and the kids there have been doing. These types of update posts also have the advantage of being easily shareable on social media and great for showing new, potential parents what their child may enjoy.
Proud parents interacting and sharing your posts on their Facebook pages or with their friends has the potential to show what their children have been doing at your daycare, and can catch the eye of parents looking for a daycare for their children.
If you’ve got an event or celebration coming up at the daycare, you can post about how successful similar events have gone in the past, explain the details of it, and ask parents and their children to participate in the upcoming one. All of these are great ways of using your blog as a tool to interact with both current and prospective parents.
Blogging for Childcare Information
Blogs can also provide parents with more general information about childcare, parenting, child health, and more. This shows your expertise on the topic and builds you a reputation as a professional who stays up-to-date with topics that will help you provide even better care for children. If these posts contain particularly helpful or interesting information to parents, they may even choose to share them on social media as well, creating more chances for new parents to find out about you.
Blogging for Search Engine Optimization
Not only can a blog keep parents on your website once they’re there, it can get them there in the first place with search engine optimization (SEO) techniques. SEO is the process of creating a website that ranks well when phrases or words relevant to your company and industry are searched for.
Websites with lots of fresh, high quality material are typically ranked closer to the top of search engines, and websites with blogs have more of that material. The higher ranked you are, the more likely parents are to even click on your website.
Contact Great Leap Studios for Daycare Content Written Just For You
If you’re a daycare owner and want to create or improve your website, think about online marketing from Great Leap Studios. Contact us today at (347) 460-5492 or fill out the form below. We’d love to discuss how we can meet your online marketing needs.