End of Budget Copywriting Tips

Right around December, companies start to get to the end of their budgets. They have X amount of money left over, and they’re looking for quick and easy ways to get rid of it. Most businesses aren’t out looking for huge, new investments. Rather, they’re simply looking for something they can spend the last of their money on without going over budget.

A lot of companies look for last minute business. We’d like to suggest that you use the end of your budget to try out content writing and set yourself up for the future.

Content Writing as Your Last Investment

Pagerank updates and SEO success take time. Google doesn’t reward websites immediately for all of their hard work. The more work you do now, the more you’ll see the payoff in the next fiscal year. That’s why at the end of your fiscal year, content writing makes sense as the best investment – it’s something that can potentially make you money now, and will drastically improve your opportunity to make money in the next year.

There are some styles of content writing that take a significant investment and represent a long term project. Since it’s the end of your budget, it’s your best opportunity to just get back to basics.

  • Backup Blog Posts – If you’re running a blog, get some backup blog posts ready. You don’t know what the upcoming year will hold, and it’s very likely that there will be times when you can’t craft up a blog post. Creating some backups can be highly advantageous.
  • Basic Informative Posts – Many companies have their writers craft complex articles that are hyperspecific and loaded with research. These can be valuable, but they’re also not the only way to attract business. Some basic, easy to write posts are often a bit less costly and time consuming, and you can order a group of them while finishing off your budget.
  • Complex Posts – Of course, if you haven’t written any complex posts and have focused instead on basic informative posts, consider doing the complex posts instead. December is your opportunity to try something new with your content to see how it will do in the long term, so whether it’s a piece of complex content or basic content, switch it up.
  • Authority Content – Finally, most companies are hesitant to invest in authority posts. Authority content is any content that is extensively long and detailed. It’s a single piece of content – often posted on a single page of your website – with the goal of becoming a link building source and a potential keyword goldmine. Most companies prefer quantity, so they avoid authority content despite its value. But when you simply need to finish off your budget, a long authority post is a great investment.

December shouldn’t be a time you slow down on content. You may be going away for the holidays, but Google search engines are still working, which means that emptying out your budget on content that can help you in 2013 and beyond is a great choice.

Contact us today to get started or read more about authority content here.


  • Micah Abraham

    Micah Abraham is the owner and lead content writer at Great Leap Studios (https://GreatLeapStudios.com) and High Volt Digital (https://HighVoltDigital.com).
    Micah has over 15 years of content writing and digital marketing experience, and has owned and operated Great Leap Studios since 2013 and High Volt since 2022.
    He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Washington, and has researched and written content on a wide range of topics in the medical and health fields, home services, tech, and beyond.
    Micah lives with his family in California.

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